GR | EN Κυριακή, 9 Μαρτίου 2025
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Some more information about Lechaio:

Lechaio is situated 8 Kms at the west of Corinth and there 's a population of 2.500 inhabitants, use the
old Corinth - Patras highway to get there.

The name of the village used to be Kolobotsi.
It 's current name has been taken by the name of the ancient port of  Corinth.

Lechaio is the rural center of an area with agriculture’s of vignons, orange – lemon trees and olive trees.
There are several factories which eleborate agriculture products. In recent years it has become an important
tourist center with a steady increase rate each year. The main factors for this, are the enormous seaside,
the clear sea water and the fine sand. Big hotel units and the nearby camping also play an important role.


Natural Port of Lechaio
Fossils from Saint George slopes near the ancient harbour

The artificial “driven in” port  of Lechaio is an achievement of the ancient Corinthian technology.

The name Lechaio comes from “Lechi”who was the son of the ancient God Poseidon.

The construction of the biggest part of the port took place at the era of Kypselos and Reriandros.

As area of 100 acres was poured and as a result 3 internal basins were created as well as the big out preharbor.


The soil of the diggings was piled up to two hills so that the strength of the wind was reduced and the sips could be protected. Many warehouses were built and the overall length of the peers was almost 7 Kms.

Lechaio was the war naval station of Corinth were the Corinthian war ships fought their battles.

Aminoklis was the inventor of row war ship that was made at the shipyard of Lechaio.



The port of Lechaio was connected with Corinth with long walls.

The famous Lechaio street which started from the impressive city market crossed it.
New days the old Lechaio port offers hospitality to various kinds of birds, swans, herons, ducks etc.

The "Lilly"of the sea represents characteristically the flora of the area.


View of the Corinthian bay from the Ancient Harbour of Lechaio.
The Lilly of the sea.


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